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Awakened to Life

Your Life, Your Coach

Hello and welcome! I am an experienced Life Coach who loves to support her clients in designing and navigating their lives in a more mindful and satisfying way. During the sessions, my clients explore their innate source of wisdom, regarding who they are and what they want. This first step helps them to evaluate what works in building a more satisfying life. My clients then take the necessary steps to navigate a new path that is aligned to their own creative fires. In this place, they feel more in balance and less confused. Living in a more grounded way, they align to who they truly are at the heart-level.

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My Story

My enthusiasm for helping others came as the result of my own life experiences. Before coaching, I experienced the stresses of going through cancer treatment and having to restructure my life after a divorce. I often felt stuck and unhappy. Yet as I navigated my way forward, I came upon two resources, mindfulness and coaching, that helped me climb out of a period of struggle and into a happier life. At this juncture, I found I could live each day with more balance and joy.

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Meditation by the sea


Awakened to Life Coaching

Since 2010, as both a teacher and coach, I’ve been helping men and women find more of what makes their lives fulfilling and on track with what is most meaningful. In a few sessions, my clients have developed a plan to break through obstacles that were holding them back. Let me help you return to a place of balance and inner harmony! In a short while you will find the inner resources and resolve that will put you on a new and more exciting pathway filled with inner harmony and joy!!

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I offer a variety of coaching services to help you move through the obstacles in your life. During our sessions, you will identify your personal values, strengths, and abilities in order to live a more balanced and harmonious life. Contact me to see how I can help you develop a new perspective and live the life that you are longing for.

Awakened to Life

Life Fulfillment Coaching

Life Coaching can be a wonderful key to leading a healthier and happier life! Exploring and mining our inner resources allows us to tap into our full Wisdom Self. We become awake to our choices and what we truly want in order to live with a sense of joy. My job is to provide you with the tools and techniques to help you find a more harmonious life that focuses on your inner most desires and provides you with a greater sense of well-being. After a few sessions, you will find that your life has become more open to what you want and how you are following your own unique creative light. Call now to schedule a session so you can begin feeling happier and more alive each day!

Awakened Wisdom Within

Reiki Services

Reiki is a wellness and healing modality. It is applied with a gentle hands-on touch, over or just on the skin, as the client prefers. Often the client notices a sense of inner peace and harmony during treatment.

I am a Usui Ryoho Reiki Practitioner and Teacher. I trained with Lisa Powers who received her Reiki training from the Usui Ryoho Reiki lineage of practitioners from Japan. The Reiki Method is many generations old and has given many clients support for their well being.

Additionally, to help with stress management, a client can book a two-hour session of Mind-Body Coaching, in which I follow up with stress management tips to provide additional ways to move through challenging times.

Awakened Harmony Within

Mindful Meditation Classes

During the Fall of 2018, the classes are on hiatus. However, if you have an interest in individual or group sessions, please contact me. In meditation classes we spend time in quiet contemplation during which we practice different aspects of mindful living for body, mind, and spirit. Keeping up a regular practice of mindful meditation is known to calm anxiety and enhance a sense of inner peace and joy.

Whatever you’re struggling with, I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to find out more.

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And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anaïs Nin

Flower in Sunlight
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